If the credit card is divided into 12 installments, the handling fee for each installment is 0.66, which is 10000*0.66*12=792 yuan. This is the handling fee you have to pay for a total of 12 installments. There is no installment fee. Interest, only handling fees.
The methods for applying for credit card installment are:
1. Apply by phone. Cardholders can call the credit card customer center number on the card to apply for credit card installment.
2. Bank branches. Cardholders can apply for credit card installment repayment at the counter of the bank's branch.
3. Online banking. Cardholders can log in to the card-issuing bank's online banking to apply for installments.
If the credit card is divided into 12 installments, the handling fee for each installment is 0.66, which is 10000*0.66*12=792 yuan. This is the handling fee you have to pay for a total of 12 installments. There is no installment fee. Interest, only fees.
The methods for applying for credit card installment are:
1. Apply by phone. Cardholders can call the credit card customer center number on the card to apply for credit card installment.
2. Bank branches. Cardholders can apply for credit card installment repayment at the counter of the bank's branch.
3. Online banking. Cardholders can log in to the card-issuing bank's online banking to apply for installments.