It is actually very simple to find someone to pay off your credit card. Generally, the person who pays off your credit card only needs to know the credit card. At this time, the debtor will pay off the credit card debt. Specific steps: 1. The cardholder must find an intermediary or individual to repay the bill before it is due.
2. Then both parties negotiate the repayment fee, which is usually about 1% of the repayment amount.
3. After agreeing on the handling fee, the repayment agency or individual will help you pay off the credit card bill.
4. Then use the POS machine provided by the other party to withdraw the same amount.
5. Finally, the cardholder pays the return fee to the returner.
Credit card payments cannot be overdue during the repayment process, because overdue repayment will generate penalty interest, and the longer the time, the more penalty interest will be generated. After overdue repayment, the bank will collect money. A common method of collection is to call the borrower's phone number until the cardholder has paid off all the outstanding balance.
In fact, when a credit card cannot be repaid on time, users can use installment repayment or the minimum repayment amount, so that the monthly repayment amount can be reduced and overdue repayment will not occur. When using installment repayment, users can choose different repayment periods based on their income, and can repay in advance later.
In order to avoid late repayment after using a credit card, users must think about their repayment plan in advance when using a credit card and know what kind of income they will use to repay the debt. If your income is relatively small, you should be careful when using credit cards. Generally, the credit card consumption limit does not exceed 50% of your monthly income and you can pay it back on time.