Credit card is a kind of banking business, which extracts profits from interest and handling fees. It is operated and managed by a specialized credit card center. Banks are only responsible for starting business and serve as an intermediary. Because the credit card business is another business of the bank in addition to savings, loans, financing, and other businesses. Transfer checks, on the other hand, are relatively narrow and are only targeted at VIP customers of banks, company/unit public accounts, and public-to-private business. Transfer checks save time problems in large-amount cash transactions and solve security issues in large-amount cash transactions. The unit can just issue a transfer check to an individual, without the unit's finance or cashier having to visit the bank in person to handle it. This also reduces many unnecessary links.
In general, they are all managed by banks, so banks are financial institutions. It should be understood that they are all managed by banking financial institutions.
In a narrow sense, the bank transfer check issued by the banking institution will be processed at the bank, and the credit card. It can be used as long as it is UnionPay.