Credit cards can be used for overdraft consumption, and more and more people will choose to apply for credit cards. The credit card limit is based on the applicant's credit status. The better the credit, the higher the credit limit will be. When applying for a mortgage, banks often examine the applicant's debt situation. So will owing 60,000 on a credit card affect the mortgage loan? Let’s find out together.
Will the credit card debt of 60,000 yuan affect the mortgage loan?
If the user has sufficient repayment ability and the 60,000 credit card debt does not affect the personal credit report, then it will not affect the personal credit score. Home loan application. On the contrary, it will also help to apply for bank mortgage loans. After all, appropriate debt can improve the user's credit standing.
If the credit card debt of 60,000 yuan has a negative impact on the personal credit report or the monthly mortgage payment exceeds half of the personal income, then the bank may question the user's repayment ability, which will Denied mortgage approval. If excessive debt has an impact on the mortgage loan, if you want the mortgage loan to pass the review smoothly, you can only pay off the credit card debt in advance. If the reason is your credit report, you can only apply for a mortgage again after your credit report returns to normal.
It should be reminded that if the overdue credit card has a negative impact on the credit report, even if the user pays off the debt, the bad credit record will be retained for five years, which means that the cardholder must at least You can apply for a mortgage after five years.