1. Credit card repayment date is usually a fixed date every month, and the bank will clearly mark it on the credit card bill. If you pay off all the debts on the credit card bill before the repayment date, you can avoid overdue. Otherwise, if the repayment is not made within 7 days after the repayment date, it will be considered overdue.
2. Once the credit card is overdue, a certain bad credit record will be generated. The more overdue times, the greater the impact on credit records. This may lead to difficulties in applying for other loans or credit cards in the future, and may even be rejected.
3. overdue repayment will also lead to penalty interest. The bank will calculate the penalty interest on the overdue amount according to a certain interest rate, which will increase the burden of repayment.
4. If the credit card is overdue, you should pay off the arrears as soon as possible, and contact the bank to find out the specific repayment methods and overdue penalties. Some banks may offer repayment grace period or installment plan, which can alleviate some economic pressure.
to sum up, a credit card that is returned seven days late is considered overdue. In order to maintain a good credit record, it is very important to keep repayment on time. If it is overdue for some reason, you should repay the loan as soon as possible and communicate with the bank to find a suitable solution.
Extended information:
According to the relevant credit card management regulations in China, overdue repayment of credit cards will have adverse effects on personal credit records. Therefore, it is suggested that cardholders pay back on time strictly to avoid the negative consequences of overdue. At the same time, cardholders can also pay attention to the bank's reminder service in credit card repayment to avoid overdue due to negligence. In short, while maintaining a good credit record, it is very important to manage the use of credit cards reasonably.