(1) Look directly at the front of the credit card. The credit card number is on the front of the credit card. If you lose your card, you can recall if you have a saved image of the front of the card. If there is a saved picture of the front of the credit card, the cardholder can identify his or her credit card number from the picture.
(2) Go to the bank counter to check the credit card number. If the credit card is lost and no photo of the credit card is left, the cardholder can go to a nearby China Construction Bank branch to check the card number of his or her credit card. You can go to the nearby China Construction Bank business hall and bring your ID card to the staff to check the card number.
(3) Online banking inquiry
If you have opened the personal online banking of China Construction Bank, then you can log in to the online banking of China Construction Bank, and then enter the My Account menu and go through the account list to view your credit card number.
(4) Customer service hotline inquiry
You can also directly call China Construction Bank’s customer service hotline 95533 or 400-820-0588. Just enter the ID number you filled in when applying for the card. You can now check your card number.
(5) Mobile banking inquiry
You can log in to the mobile client of China Construction Bank, click the "three" logo in the upper left corner of the home page, and then click "Security Center", the page After the jump, click "Information Switch", then find "Do My Accounts Show All Accounts?", click to open, then return to the home page of CCB APP, click "Wealth", enter the My Wealth Center, you can see the complete The China Construction Bank card number.
As we all know, nowadays we always need credit card information in our lives, including credit card numbers. But sometimes the credit card is not around and there is a long list of card numbers. If you can’t remember it, then you need to go Check card number.
The above is a summary of the five ways to check the CCB credit card number. It is very convenient to check the CCB credit card number. You can do it directly with your mobile phone. There are no complicated steps. You need to check your CCB credit card number. Friends can refer to the above content to operate.