Common bank English vocabulary:
account number
depositor depositor
pay-in slip deposit slip
a deposit form deposit slip
a banding machine automatic deposit and withdrawal machine
to deposit deposit
deposit receipt deposit receipt
private deposits private deposits
certificate of deposit certificate of deposit
deposit book, passbook
credit card credit card
overdraft, overdraw
to counter sign double sign
to endorse endorsement
endorser endorser
to cash
to honor a cheque
to dishonor a cheque
to suspend payment
cheque, check
cheque book
order cheque
bearer cheque
crossed cheque
blank cheque blank check
rubber cheque blank check
cheque stub, counterfoil ticket stub
cash cheque cash check
traveler's cheque traveler's check
cheque for transfer transfer check
outstanding cheque unpaid check
canceled cheque paid check
forged cheque counterfeit check
Bandar's note banker's note
banker banker
president president
savings bank savings bank
Chase Bank Chase Bank
National City Bank of New York Citibank
Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation HSBC
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China Macquarie Bank
Banque de I'IndoChine
central bank, national bank, banker's bank central bank
bank of issue, bank of circulation issuing currency bank
commercial bank, savings and credit bank
member bank, credit bank savings and credit bank
discount bank discount bank
nge bank exchange bank
requesting bank entrusted issuing bank
issuing bank, opening bank issuing bank
advising bank, notifying bank notifying bank
negotiation bank Negotiation bank
confirming bank Confirming bank
paying bank Payment bank
associate banker of collection Collection bank
consigned banker of collection consigned bank
clearing bank clearing bank
local bank local bank
domestic bank domestic bank
overseas bank foreign bank
unincorporated bank bank
branch bank bank branch
trustee savings bank trust savings bank
trust company trust company
financial trust financial trust company
unit trust trust investment company
trust institution bank's trust department
credit department bank's credit department
commercial credit company (discount company) commercial credit company (discount company)
neighborhood savings bank, bank of deposit street savings bank
credit union cooperative bank
credit bureau Commercial Bank
self-service bank
land bank
construction bank
industrial and commercial bank Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Bank of communications Bank of Communications
Mutual savings bank Mutual savings bank
Post office savings bank Post office savings bank
mortgage bank, building society mortgage bank
industrial bank industrial bank
home loan bank home loan bank
reserve bank preparation bank
chartered bank chartered bank
corresponding bank correspondent bank
merchant bank, accepting bank accepting bank
investment bank investment bank
import and export bank (EXIMBANK) Export-Import Bank
joint venture bank
money shop, native bank Qianzhuang
credit cooperatives
house clearinghouse
public accounting public accounting
business accounting commercial accounting
cost accounting cost accounting
depreciation accounting depreciation Accounting
computerized accounting
general ledger
subsidiary ledger
cash book
p>cash account cash account
journal, day-book journal, running account
bad debts bad debts
investment investment
surplus balance
idle capital hot money
economic cycle economic cycle
economic boom economic prosperity
economic recession economic recession
p>economic depression economic depression
economic crisis economic crisis
economic recovery economic recovery
inflation inflation
deflation deflation
devaluation currency devaluation
revaluation currency appreciation
international balance of payment international balance of payments
favorable balance surplus
adverse balance deficit
hard currency hard currency
soft currency soft currency
international monetary system international monetary system
the purchasing power of money purchasing power of money
money in circulation currency circulation volume
note issue note issue volume
national budget national budget
national gross product national gross product
public bond public debt
stock, share stock
debenture bond
treasury bill treasury bill
debt chain debt chain
direct exchange direct (diagonal) arbitrage
indirect exchange indirect (triangular) arbitrage
cross rate, arbitrage rate arbitrage rate
foreign currency (exchange) reserve foreign exchange reserve
foreign exchange fluctuation foreign exchange fluctuation
foreign exchange crisis foreign exchange crisis
discount discount
discount rate, bank rate discount rate
gold reserve gold reserve
oney (financial) market financial market
stock exchange stock exchange
broker broker
commission commission
bookkeeping bookkeeping
an application form
bank statement
letter of credit
strong room, vault safehouse
equitable tax system equivalent tax system
specimen signature signature style
banking hours, business hours business hours