If the overdue repayment of bank credit cards is frozen, you should immediately negotiate with the bank about repayment and repay on time. If left unchecked, the consequences will be very serious.
First, if it is overdue for a long time, the bank will call you to urge you to repay. If there is still no repayment, the bank feels hopeless and will sue the court or report the case to the public security department. At this time, it is not only a question of repayment, but also jail time.
Second, overdue credit cards affect credit records, and credit stains will be recorded in the credit information system. If you want to handle other bank loans and credit card business, the bank will check the credit report. If there is a record of non-repayment, the bank will generally not accept the application.
Therefore, it is correct to find a way to pay off the arrears, stop the card, and then accumulate a good credit record of credit card swiping and repayment in about 2 years, and cover up the original bad record with good records.
Solution of frozen credit card
The cardholder's credit card has been frozen due to late repayment or multiple cash withdrawals. Usually call the credit card customer service center to explain the situation and unfreeze it. If the overdue situation is not serious, as long as the credit card center confirms that the debt has been paid off, it will be unfrozen immediately and the unfrozen credit card can be used.
With regard to the handling of personal bad credit records, according to the Draft of Credit Information Management Regulations of the Central Bank, the longest retention period of bad credit records is 5 years, but only credit cards and 24-month records will be displayed in personal credit reports. It is recommended that the card remain active for at least 2 years after activation, so as to avoid the negative impact of bad credit records on the application for credit cards or personal loans in the future.