The protection of credit cards in the United States is very perverted. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, please call the bank card hotline. If you do not receive the goods, please call the bank card hotline. They can basically give you a refund, so it is unscrupulous. There are very few merchants and they cannot defraud you of your money, because the card issuer will recover your money, especially if you find that someone has used your card without authorization, including copying a counterfeit card, the original card being stolen, etc. , as long as you report it to the card issuer within 24 hours, the United States has a special credit card act that stipulates that the maximum risk limit for an individual is US$50. If you find out after several days, report it to the card issuer, and the card issuer will generally discuss the solution with you. But you will not be held responsible for more than $300. Card issuing banks will never use the excuse that your computer was hacked because you failed to take good care of your cards and passwords. Card issuing banks in the United States must treat and protect users like idiots.