After paying off the credit card in error, you can get a refund. If the credit card user mistakenly returns it to someone else's card when repaying the payment, you can wait for the other party to return it or appeal to the bank. When the payment is made, it has been paid to other credit cards. The user can withdraw the money and then repay the money. In the above two cases, if you want to return it to your account, the credit card must go through the cash withdrawal process. When withdrawing cash from a credit card, At any time, whether it is an overflow deposit or the limit of the credit card itself, you need to pay a handling fee. Under normal circumstances, 1%-2% of the cash withdrawal amount is charged
1. Credit cards, also called credit cards, are credit certificates issued by commercial banks or credit card companies to consumers with qualified credit.
It is in the form of a card with the name of the issuing bank, validity period, number, cardholder name and other contents printed on the front, and a magnetic stripe and signature strip on the back. Consumers holding credit cards can shop or consume at specially appointed commercial service departments, and then the bank will make settlements with merchants and cardholders. Cardholders can overdraft within the prescribed limit.
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit cards refer to credit cards in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can consume within the credit limit and then repay; quasi-credit card It refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve fund as required. When the reserve account balance is insufficient to pay, the cardholder can overdraw within the prescribed credit limit. The so-called credit card generally refers to a credit card only.
2. Reasonable use of credit cards:
1. We must make full use of the interest-free period of credit cards.
Credit cards from different banks have different interest-free periods, but they are basically more than 30 days, and some banks can even reach more than 50 days. If we can repay the credit card in full before the due date, this basically means that we enjoy an interest-free period of 30 to 50 days in advance. For those who can use credit cards flexibly, we can completely regard this period of time as our stable cash flow.
2. It is best not to use installment payments and minimum repayments, and do not actively withdraw cash.
Some people cannot repay the credit card in full before the due date, so they will use installment payments and minimum repayments. These two methods seem to be able to alleviate a person's financial problems, but they have very high annualized comprehensive interest. Generally speaking, the annualized comprehensive interest rate of credit cards can reach about 18%, which is already very high. At the same time, active credit card withdrawals will also incur high interest charges.
3. We can participate in credit card points activities.
Each bank's credit card will basically launch corresponding points activities. When we use corresponding consumption behaviors, we can obtain the corresponding points amount. After we accumulate a certain level of points, we can use the points to exchange for items of equal value. I suggest friends to pay more attention to the points activity of their credit cards. This is also a process of gathering less and making more.