31321 31431 11312 31411 42313 31322 Kitchen God//Shut the Kitchen God's mouth.
14311 13123 11212 34133 13224 21424 Opera Origin// Italy
14311 13133 34113 23132 13124 21424 agricultural products//Chinese cabbage
14243 24442 41213 44312 42242 11314 legal questions//Qin
21214 13313 22421 42432 42142 42242. 2 years
12122 43424 32423 13213 14313 21333 Luofu Mountain//Meihua
32421 4224 24431 224324 23132 Niger River//Africa
11314 42432 42142 432412. Western Atlantic
13413 34341 23113 14424 32421 42432 Constitutional Monarchy//Bill of Rights
32421 4224 23432 32341 24424 33132 Ou Embroidery//Wenzhou
2242 34312 21342 4321 33321. Athens
43432 31131 44243 24214 24324 24241 Seismograph//Zhang Heng
13143 13213 13131 12233 14131 43134 Length of the Yangtze River //63 meters
21244 24331 32131 43132 1331. 2 months
21344 31242 14241 31431 32131 43111 Open-air Museum//Amsterdam
32131 24214 24324 21424 21221 aristocratic family//vassal
24131 43132 13143 1131 33341 141. Taoyuan
34243 24231 32131 43132 13131 3112 eunuch//official name
13143 13213 33134 12343 41231 13144 human hearts //4
21131 43132 13143 11131 23232 112. Optical instrument
24324 21424 32424 2423 34421 24214 May 4th Movement
44424 22334 42124 21424 13143 13213 Swallow grass// 2m
24324 21424 32444 24121 41412 34224 The largest diamond
13143 23314 13143 32421 42432 Passport//Purple Rose
43313 21314 31321 31313 41434 34323 Sea.
31234 41142 31321 31242 14243 24214 Zumaka//Poland
43422 42113 14313 21314 31313 12321 First volleyball//basketball
33132 24214 24324 21422 24234. Shakespeare
32133 31341 12332 41311 31442 43242 Halley's Comet//Name
43232 32124 42433 13213 14313 21313 Nitrogen content//protein
33241 31431 34243 24214 2432424. Vitamin s
42142 43242 14222 42342 12214 42442 credit card//peony card
42424 12141 41234 22421
13143 13213 lotus root//stem.