2. Scope of use Although credit loans are used more and more widely now, they generally need special funds, such as the down payment for buying a house, which is not allowed. Credit cards don't have too many restrictions in this respect. Generally speaking, as long as you don't cash out maliciously and then repay in full and on time, banks won't interfere too much.
3. The loan cost is calculated from the date of obtaining the credit loan, and the loan interest needs to be repaid on time every month. With credit card installment, you only need to pay the handling fee to be repaid in each installment. If you only use a credit card to spend money, you can also enjoy interest-free concessions as long as you repay within the specified time.
4. loan term: the repayment period of a credit card is generally short-term, usually within 24 periods, that is, 2 years. The term of credit loan is much longer than that of credit card, and the longest term can reach 5 years if necessary.