When using credit cards, you need to withdraw less cash, make full use of points, link bank cards for automatic repayment, and make full use of the interest-free period. It can be more cost-effective to use it this way.
1. Fewer credit card withdrawals
Many people will choose to use credit cards to withdraw cash when they do not bring cash. However, credit card withdrawals will incur additional fees due to high handling fees. The additional fees are Ranging from dozens or even hundreds of dollars, this extra expense is completely avoidable.
2. Make full use of points
Credit cards from major banks support point redemption. You can use points to redeem supermarket shopping cards, movie coupons, gas cards, etc., and you can get up to 100% back. Now 5, you can save a lot of money in the long run.
3. Automatic repayment of associated bank cards
Credit cards must be repaid on time on the repayment date, otherwise bad card use records will be generated and personal credit records will be affected. If you have a savings card from the bank where your credit card is located, it is recommended to link the savings card with the credit card. The payment can be automatically repaid on the repayment date, but you must ensure that the savings card has sufficient balance.
4. Make full use of the interest-free period
If you consume on the last day of the bill date, you may enjoy the 56-day interest-free period, but if you choose to consume on the bill date, You may only be able to enjoy the 25-day interest-free period. Some banks' credit cards allow you to change the billing date. Various credit cards have different billing dates, repayment dates and interest-free periods. You can choose a credit card that suits you based on your actual situation and make full use of the interest-free period.
1. Credit cards can facilitate our lives, but their existence is also like a double-edged sword. If used improperly, blind consumption will only make you more and more expensive. Because of poverty, it is particularly important to use credit cards rationally.
2. To make full use of the interest-free period, pay special attention to the billing date and repayment date. Only by spending after the billing date can you get the longest interest-free period.