① If the use of the credit card is restricted due to the overdue credit card, the overdue amount should be returned as soon as possible. After paying off the credit card debt, the cardholder can call the bank's credit card customer service center, indicating that the bank will generally lift the restrictions. After that, the cardholder should repay the loan on time, and don't overdue it again, because overdue credit cards will be included in the personal credit information system, and too many overdue times will affect future loan applications.
(2) Credit card cashing is restricted. Depending on the situation, if it is not subjective cashing, but the bank mistakenly thinks cashing, the cardholder can call the bank's credit card customer service center to explain the situation and apply for a credit card to lift the restrictions.
(3) Credit cards are restricted due to their theft. Generally, after the stolen credit card is processed, the bank will lift the restrictions.
Harm of overdue credit card of ICBC
1. Payment of late payment fee and overdue interest: failure to repay the credit card after overdraft is a breach of contract, and the bank may require the cardholder to repay the principal, overdue interest, late payment fee and over-limit fee.
2. Bad credit record: overdue repayment will leave a bad credit record for the cardholder and affect the smooth progress of the cardholder's future loan.
3. Bear criminal responsibility: If the cardholder maliciously overdraws a certain amount for the purpose of illegal possession and fails to pay it back within the time limit, he shall also bear criminal responsibility.
Baidu encyclopedia-credit card