Operating steps of teppanyaki
1. Prepare ingredients
Before teppanyaki, you need to prepare all kinds of ingredients, including meat, seafood and vegetables. Wash the ingredients and cut them into blocks of appropriate size to facilitate cooking.
Heating iron plate
Put the iron plate on the fire and heat it to the right temperature. In the heating process, a layer of oil can be coated on the iron plate to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the iron plate.
Cooking ingredients
Put the ingredients on the iron plate and cook according to different ingredients. Generally speaking, the meat needs to be fried until the surface is golden, and then turned over and cooked; Seafood needs to be fried quickly to keep its fresh and tender taste; Vegetables need to be cooked and then stir-fried on the iron plate.
In the cooking process, you can add some seasonings such as salt, pepper and soy sauce according to your personal taste to improve the taste of ingredients.
Provide food
Dish the cooked ingredients, sprinkle with chopped green onion and sesame seeds, and serve.