It may be postponed. It is necessary to investigate within three working days whether the funds in your bank card were obtained through normal channels and whether there was any illegal or illegal behavior. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the bank card has been frozen by the public security agency and it will take a certain amount of time to investigate. If there are weekends and statutory holidays, the unfreezing time will continue to be postponed. Usually the unfreezing time is on normal working days. If it is a holiday or weekend, it may be postponed. The specific time depends on the bank announcement. If the agreed time is two days, then even if it is a holiday, this time will be included, and it can be unfrozen at that time. If the agreed time is two working days, then holidays, Saturdays, Sundays, etc. are not counted. For example, the time starts on the 25th and 25-27 is a holiday, then two working days means one day on the 25th and one day on the 28th. Suspected cash withdrawal leads to freezing - large-amount consumption, or frequent large-amount cash withdrawals. If frequent large-amount consumption using POS machines, or frequent large-amount cash withdrawals, etc. cause UnionPay to doubt your credit, UnionPay will notify the bank. It is suspected that your account has been cashed out. The credit card will be blocked on the grounds of suspected cash withdrawal.