Conclusion: When a credit card is used maliciously by others or fails to repay, the credit card holder may be held legally responsible. If you can provide consumption evidence, you can recover the debt through legal channels. If the evidence is insufficient, you can only bear the repayment obligation yourself. If the amount involved is large and the other party refuses to repay, it may even be a crime of credit card fraud. According to Article 196 of my country's Criminal Law, malicious overdrafts, fraudulent use of other people's credit cards, etc. may constitute crimes, and in serious cases, criminal penalties will be faced.
In a specific case, in a case in Dali City, Yunnan, Yang lent his credit card to his friend Zhao. Zhao was unable to repay the loan after spending, which resulted in Yang's credit card being maliciously overdrawn by others. The court finally required Yang to return the economic losses incurred by Hua and his wife on the grounds of unjust enrichment. This case warns that bank and credit cards should be used with caution and not to lend to others easily to avoid unnecessary financial disputes.
Therefore, when you encounter a situation where your credit card is misused or not returned by others, you should collect evidence as soon as possible, protect your rights and interests through legal means, and remind others to properly keep personal financial instruments to protect the safety of your own property. .