Overdue credit cards will definitely have an impact on getting a loan to buy a house or a car. General bank requirements for credit reporting: it cannot be overdue currently, cannot be overdue twice within half a year, cannot be overdue three times in a row within two years, and has failed to repay on time six times in total.
Serious consequences of overdue credit cards:
Overdue interest and late payment fees;
Bad credit record;
Banks will collect debts , may face criminal issues.
Solutions for overdue credit cards:
If the cardholder forgets to repay the card and discovers it is overdue, he must repay it as soon as possible, preferably in full. Call the bank's credit card center and declare that the debt is not malicious. If the overdue time is short, the bank may not count the bad records;
When the credit card is overdue and unable to repay due to unemployment, illness, etc., the cardholder should proactively contact the bank’s credit card center before the repayment period and explain himself financial situation, declare that they do not owe money maliciously, and apply for deferred repayment or installment repayment;
Cardholders take the initiative to apply for deferred repayment, and the bank will often agree to the extension. The bank and the cardholder agree on the mutual Repayment plans accepted. In this way, the bank will not record bad records, but you must repay on time after applying for an extension;
The credit card repayment information system of the central bank rolls over 24 months, and the record of overdue credit card repayments will be in the credit system. It is kept for two years. If you find that you have paid off the card overdue and then cancel the card directly, the information will not be rolled over, but will be saved for a long time. Therefore, after a cardholder has an overdue credit card, it is best not to cancel the credit card immediately. It is best to continue to use it for more than 2 years and maintain a good credit record thereafter.