Call customer service directly at 95533 and enter the voicemail to select the current bill. He may tell you whether you have returned it. If you do not want to go through the voicemail, ask him directly. You can also use Lenovo Computer V14 10th generation Core Windows 10 system, search China Construction Bank on Baidu, and log in to online banking. Generally, online banking for credit cards does not need to be activated
Also go to China Construction Bank to check the balance. If you remember it, you will know it in one go. , the balance on the credit card is, and the larger part is -
If it doesn’t work, you can only ask your mother. If she doesn’t remember, ask her to call.
The premise is that The pinyin on the card is the pinyin on the card. If it is you, you can call customer service. If it is your mother, she can only call customer service.
Extended information:
What are the CCB credit cards?
From the international organizations that cooperate: UnionPay-VISA dual-currency credit card, UnionPay-MasterCard dual-currency credit card, VISA single-logo credit card, UnionPay single-currency credit card
From Card levels are divided into regular card, gold card, standard platinum card, diamond white card, etc.
From the perspective of card rights: If you often travel or go on business trips, you can choose "Business Travel Airlines" Cards in the category mainly include global payment credit cards, world travel credit cards, Mango, eLong credit cards, etc.; if you prefer entertainment cards, you can choose "passionate fashion" cards, such as Transformers cards, Barbie cards, football cards, Good Voice Credit Card, etc.; if you want to participate in shopping mall activities, you can choose the "Colorful Shopping" type, such as Maoye Dragon Card, Intime Dragon Card, etc. (I suggest you check the China Construction Bank Credit Card website, and you can choose the card type according to your own preferences)
You can use Alipay money to repay a credit card. The repayment method is as follows:
For Huawei P30, Android system, find the "Alipay" application on the desktop of the phone and click to open it.
After opening Alipay, find the "Credit Card Repayment" option in the application interface and click to select.
In the redirected credit card repayment interface, find the credit card that needs to be repaid and click to select it.
Enter the amount to be repaid and click "Confirm Repayment" below.