2000-3000. The handling fee varies from place to place, usually 3,000 yuan, some 2,000 yuan, and some places 4,000 yuan. Fuel consumption is very important. Each bank charges different handling fees. For specific circumstances, take China Merchants Bank as an example. The installment handling fee for car purchases with China Merchants Bank's credit card is charged in a shared manner, specifically calculated according to the formula "handling fee per installment = total installment amount * installment handling rate". Among them, the "installment handling rate" standard is: currently, the general handling rate for BYD models is 5.5% for 12 installments, 10.5% for 24 installments, and 14.5% for 36 installments. However, the installment handling rate standards are different for different models. In addition, if you use a China Merchants Bank credit card to buy a car in installments, the down payment must be at least 30%-50%.