1. Foreign card purchases are basically signed, and there is no need to enter a password when swiping the card. It requires the cardholder to write his or her name on the signature line on the credit or debit card, preferably with a unique design that is difficult to imitate. When going out for activities, be sure to keep your credit card safe. Losing your card is equivalent to losing cash. It is best to consult with your card issuing bank before traveling overseas on how to report the loss if it is lost overseas to reduce losses.
2. After consumption, be sure to read the printed consumption voucher carefully and make sure it is correct before signing. There are three items that require special attention: card number, consumption amount, and settlement currency. Of course, the card number must be consistent with the one you hold, and at the same time, the consumption amount and settlement currency must match the product price. Generally speaking, merchants must inform them, but they may forget or ignore it. If they sign because they don't see the currency, it will be bad, causing losses.
3. Try to use the UnionPay system for settlement. Many countries and regions have opened the UnionPay network. If you use UnionPay for settlement, you can save a lot of handling fees and make cash conversion and settlement more convenient. This can also save money.
4. Before starting to consume, be sure to read the terms of consumption carefully, especially when using credit cards to book hotels and other services. Some cannot be canceled once booked, and some cancellations must have certain procedures and conditions. Don’t take it for granted that you can book and cancel at will. If you do not understand the terms of service in English or other languages, you can ask hotel staff to translate them. In foreign countries, some industries must collect tips after enjoying certain services. If you swipe your card, these may be deducted from your bank card account and cannot be declined. So read it carefully before signing.