When applying for a credit card, no matter how big the credit limit is, there will be no card application fee; as for the application requirements, you only need to meet the age requirements specified by the card-issuing bank, have a stable job and income, have a good personal credit record, and Just provide the corresponding proof of card application.
However, credit cards with a limit of 20,000 are generally at the gold level, and the limit is higher than that of ordinary cards, so the personal qualification requirements for applicants are also higher. The credit card limit is determined by banks based on personal qualifications and comprehensive system scores, so you can provide more financial proof when applying, which can effectively improve the credit card approval rate and credit card issuance limit. Proof of financial resources recognized by the bank can generally be salary records issued by the bank, or income tax withholding certificates, or documents proving the market value of houses, cars, deposits and investments (such as copies of real estate certificates/car driving licenses/bank time deposit certificates).