For people who often use credit cards, because sometimes they need to pay a large amount for consumption, many people are worried that if a large amount is used on a credit card, the bank will control the risk, resulting in a reduction in the limit, then How to spend a large amount on a credit card?
1. Credit card credit limit
Although everyone's credit card limit does have that number, it does not mean that the cardholder can use up the entire credit limit when swiping the card. . No matter which bank it is, it doesn't like the cardholder to empty the credit limit on the card at once. It is recommended that you keep a limit of about 20 when swiping your card.
2. Select merchants
The bank's risk control system is also quite particular. For example, the cardholder spends tens of thousands at a time in stores such as supermarkets and Juewei Yabo. Yuan, which is obviously unreasonable, so the bank doubts whether the cardholder is withdrawing cash. If the cardholder spends tens of thousands of yuan at one time in jewelry stores, KTVs, etc., it is considered reasonable consumption.
3. Credit card swiping time
When swiping a credit card, pay attention to the usage time. According to bank staff, Monday to Friday are working days, and most people do not spend much money during this period, especially before 9 a.m., when few people spend. During holidays, people’s consumption will increase greatly.
In addition to paying attention to these times, everyone should also pay attention to the business hours of the merchants. If A spends 3,000 yuan by swiping his card at a beauty store at 1 a.m., the bill is not that reasonable. After all, beauty stores generally do not stay open until early in the morning.