You can accumulate points after using a bank credit card for consumption. Normally, you will earn 1 point when you spend 1 yuan, and you will earn 7 points when you spend 1 US dollar. Many times, users do not know their personal points status after completing their consumption. So how should we check CCB points? The following is a detailed introduction to the method of checking CCB points.
How to check CCB points?
1 CCB official website query: Search CCB official website on Baidu, then log in to personal online banking, enter the credit card center, select personal account points to view to the points situation.
2 Telephone inquiry: Call the official customer service number of China Construction Bank Credit Card, and then follow the voice prompts to the manual customer service. After informing the customer service staff of the relevant information, you can check the points.
3 Mobile banking inquiry: Download and log in to China Construction Bank’s mobile banking to inquire about your personal credit card points.
The above is an introduction to the CCB points inquiry method. I hope it will be helpful.