Using the minimum repayment amount on a credit card will not affect your personal credit. As long as you repay on time each period, the bank's credit rating will be higher. Because even if the loan is repaid on time, bank interest will be paid. As long as there is no overdue payment, there will be no bad record and it will not affect the loan, so there is no need to pay off the credit card debt with the loan money.
No bank stipulates that credit card debt must be paid off before taking out a loan, but some banks will treat credit card debt as a liability when calculating the approval limit, so the loan limit will be reduced;
However, if the credit card has the minimum repayment, it also means that the repayment ability is not very strong, and the bank will consider the repayment ability;
Reminder, if it has become overdue, then even if it is repaid now If you clear it, there will still be an overdue record when you check your credit report, but the overdue period will be calculated into the date of repayment.