1. Open Alipay, log in to your Alipay account, click Account Settings - Basic Information - Real-name Authentication - Verify Now, select the region Mainland Authentication, and click Verify Now;
2. Fill in the ID card information and payment password, and click Next for identity verification;
1) If the identity information does not pass verification, the user needs to click Apply for manual review and submit double certificates for manual review by Alipay (review time: 2 sky). After passing the review, you can continue to apply for certification. Please log in to your Alipay account again, click on real-name authentication to jump to the fifth step of the process for bank card verification.
2) If it prompts that the identity information has been occupied, follow the page prompts to complete the operation:
A: Occupied by other real-name authentication accounts: If the account is your own, click to continue the authentication operation. Yes; if it is not your own, please click to appeal and upload the dual certificates. The customer service will verify the specific situation and complete the review within 3 working days. After passing the review, you can continue to apply for certification;
B: Passed by others Occupation of an account that has passed identity verification: If the account you choose to occupy is your own, this account will be successfully associated with the occupied account, and the occupied account will be the main account; if you choose to occupy an account that is not yours, this account can continue with real-name authentication and complete the verification of the occupied account. Deletion of Identity Information.
3. Please confirm that your name and ID number are correct, click OK, and the identity information cannot be modified after confirmation; if you click not to confirm yet, skip, the page will return to the My Alipay homepage, which is equivalent to the user not Authentication not passed.
4. After identity information verification, you will be prompted whether to upload a picture of your ID card. Choose to skip and continue with the verification: no ID will be uploaded, the collection limit is 20,000 yuan/month, and the total collection and payment limit is 50,000 yuan/ Month; choose to upload documents: there is no limit on the payment amount;
5. If you choose to skip, continue with the authentication or after the identity submission is successful, enter the bank card information verification page and fill in the bank card related information (supported banks: All bank cards that support quick payment are acceptable). If the verification is successful, click Agree to the agreement and confirm. The system will send a text message for verification. Accept and fill in the verification code to complete the verification; Note: After the identity information verification is successful, if the account has been bound Quick bank card, please confirm the quick card information for successful authentication.
If the mobile phone reserved by the bank card bank is inconsistent and the information verification is unsuccessful, if the card supports payment method verification, click Next and the bank card will be verified for payment (payment time: 1 —2 days); if you have other bank cards, you can click to change the bank card for bank card verification; if the page prompts "Your bank card verification failed", you can click "Continue Verification" to also enter the payment method verification. link.
After receiving the payment and checking the payment amount, log in to the Alipay account, enter the authentication page, enter the payment amount received, and complete the confirmation of the amount;
6. Bank card If the verification is successful, you can pass Alipay real-name authentication. If you click to skip the above steps, continue with the authentication. After upgrading the authentication column on the authentication success page, you can click here to upload and complete the ID card re-transmission. If there are other accounts that need to be authenticated, you can click Associate Certification with other accounts to perform the associated authentication operation.