You should take the initiative to repay the loan. If the repayment obligation is fulfilled before the People's Court pronounces the judgment, the card issuing bank will take the initiative to apply to the court to withdraw the lawsuit. If the credit card is overdue due to the inability to repay, after receiving a copy of the lawsuit You can negotiate with the card issuing bank as soon as possible. If the card issuing bank refuses to withdraw the lawsuit, as the defendant, you should cooperate with the court.
1. What should I do if I file a lawsuit for credit card debt in another place?
1. Repay in full. If conditions permit, the overdue late payment fees and corresponding interest on the credit card must be paid;
2. Negotiate and reconcile with the bank. If you really do not have the ability to repay, you can explain your actual situation clearly to the person in charge of the bank;
3. Cooperate with the lawsuit. There is no money to repay, and no settlement has been reached with the bank. All that is waiting is litigation.
2. Can a jurisdiction objection be raised after a lawsuit is filed for credit card debt in a different place? Yes, jurisdiction objection can be raised in civil litigation if the following conditions are met: 1. The subject raising the jurisdiction objection must be a party to the case. 2. The parties can only object to the jurisdiction of the first-instance civil case, either to the geographical jurisdiction or to the hierarchical jurisdiction. 3. The parties can only raise jurisdictional objections to the court subject to the lawsuit, and the court subject to the lawsuit will review the jurisdiction issue and make a decision.
3. How to determine the jurisdictional court for credit card debt disputes? The jurisdictional court for credit card debt disputes is the People’s Court of the defendant’s domicile; if the defendant’s domicile is inconsistent with his habitual residence, the People’s Court of the place of habitual residence shall have jurisdiction. . If the defendant has any of the following circumstances, the court where the bank is located shall have jurisdiction: (1) Litigation related to identity and relationship filed against a person who does not reside within the territory of the People's Republic of China; (2) Litigation over a person whose whereabouts are unknown or declared missing (3) Litigation filed against persons who have been subjected to compulsory education measures; (4) Litigation filed against imprisoned persons.
IV. What are the obligations after filing a lawsuit for credit card debt? 1. The obligation to exercise litigation rights in accordance with the law, and not to abuse rights to harm the interests of others. 2. Have the obligation to abide by court discipline and order and obey court orders. 3. The obligations determined by the effective court judgments, rulings and mediation documents must be fulfilled.
5. What is the cross-examination process after a credit card debt lawsuit? (1) The plaintiff presents evidence, and the defendant and the third party cross-examine with the plaintiff; (2) The defendant presents evidence, the plaintiff, the third party and The defendant conducts cross-examination; (3) The third party presents evidence, and the plaintiff, defendant and the third party conduct cross-examination. For credit card debt, under normal circumstances, the issuing bank should file a lawsuit in the civil court where the defendant is located. If the defendant is imprisoned, his whereabouts are unknown, etc., he can directly file a lawsuit in the civil court where the card issuing bank is located. If the defendant has objections to the court's jurisdiction, he can raise jurisdiction objections after being sued.