Bad personal credit records can be eliminated after 5 years, but only if individuals can repay in full and on time for 5 years.
1. If we don't have any bad records in the process of using the credit card, the personal credit records you check will only show the data in the last two years.
2. If you have a bad record, such as overdue, this bad record will be displayed on your credit information for five years. No matter whether you close the account or pay the debt later, it will take five years to eliminate it.
The 5-year retention period starts after repayment. Don't mistakenly think that bad records will disappear automatically after 5 years, so you don't have to return the money you owe. Don't think that the bad records will be eliminated after the card is cancelled after repayment, and the card cancellation will still have to wait for 5 years. Residents can inquire about an individual's credit status through the branches of the central bank at all levels and the personal credit information service network platform of the credit information center, and they can inquire about their credit reports twice a year for free.