The consumption details of Guangfa Credit Card are inconsistent with the actual situation.
If you have any questions about the transaction/bill amount of Guangfa Credit Card, please pay attention to: 1. Overseas catering transactions: Most overseas catering merchants will charge tips. If it is agreed to deduct tips at the time of consumption, the SMS consumption amount does not include tips, but the actual amount submitted by the merchants to the bank will include tips. It is suggested to recall whether they agree to deduct tips when spending; 2. For domestic transactions or overseas non-catering transactions, it is recommended to negotiate a refund with the merchants first. If the refund/return has been successfully negotiated with the merchant and within the refund period, please wait patiently and pay attention to the bill; If the negotiation time has expired/the refund has not been negotiated with the merchant, please call the customer service hotline 95508 for consultation.