The advantage of credit card installment is that when the cardholder encounters financial problems and is temporarily unable to repay on time, he or she can apply to the bank to pay off the bill in installments. Ease repayment pressure and extend repayment time. So, what is the reason why the credit card does not meet the installment conditions?
The reasons why the credit card does not meet the installment conditions are as follows:
1 Transaction amount and type
Cash advance transaction Installment transactions and various fees cannot be carried out in installments; for example: annual fees, interest, late payment fees and other credit card charges. At the same time, no matter whether the bill has been issued or the bill has not been issued, the cardholder must reach the minimum installment amount before applying for credit card installment.
2 Card usage time and installment application time
Credit card installment is comprehensively evaluated based on the cardholder’s card usage, credit situation, etc. It usually takes 3 installments of bills. Provide installments. In addition, many banks stipulate that you can only apply for one installment per monthly bill. If you have already applied for an installment for that month, you cannot apply for another installment.
3 Cardholder’s qualifications for applying for installments
If the cardholder frequently engages in illegal card use, resulting in the current qualification platform score not reaching the system’s set value for credit card installments , will definitely fail in stages. For example: overdue repayment, too high debt, over-utilization, etc.
It should be noted that if cardholders choose to pay in installments, they will need to bear additional interest. At the same time, the repayment time is extended, which can effectively alleviate the repayment pressure of cardholders.