If you fail to repay the loan by the repayment date, it is overdue, and it will be recorded in the credit report;
The overdue negative record will be recorded in the personal credit record. If you never repay, The payment will be entered into the blacklist, affecting personal credit;
The bank's handling method after the credit card is overdue:
1. Consumption payments will no longer enjoy the interest-free repayment treatment. The card-issuing bank will calculate interest on a daily basis based on the consumption amount as the principal, starting from the accounting date. The daily interest rate is 5/10,000, and compound interest is charged on a monthly basis. For the unpaid portion of the minimum repayment amount, a late payment fee of 5% will be charged on a monthly basis.
2. Receive reminder calls and reminder letters from the card-issuing bank.
3. If the credit card account is frozen by the card-issuing bank, the debt record may be fed back to the personal credit reporting system of the People's Bank of China, affecting the cardholder's personal credit record and causing the cardholder to be unable to apply for a loan normally.
Special reminder: It is recommended that users who apply for credit cards make repayments on time and take good care of their credit;