1. The criteria for filing a case for failing to repay a credit card for a long time, the bank will think that you owe money maliciously, and if you don't repay it for many months in a row, you will be sued by the bank and ruled to owe money maliciously. Credit records can also be seriously bad. Seriously, you will be sentenced. Anyone who defrauds a bank or other financial institution of loans for the purpose of illegal possession with an amount of more than 1, yuan shall be put on file for investigation.
2. Legal basis: Article 175-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
The crime of defrauding loans, bill acceptance and financial bills, and obtaining loans, bill acceptance, letters of credit and guarantees from banks or other financial institutions by fraudulent means, thus causing heavy losses to banks or other financial institutions or other serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall also or shall only be fined; Whoever causes particularly heavy losses to banks or other financial institutions or has other particularly serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years and shall also be fined. If a unit commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph, it shall be fined, and the directly responsible person in charge and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
Second, how to borrow a credit card loan
The ways to borrow a credit card loan are:
1. Credit card loans to buy a car, the loan amount is between 2, and 2,, and the loan period is generally not more than 3 years. After application, no interest is charged, only the installment fee is charged;
2. Shopping in the credit card mall is divided into stages. Users can pay by credit card when shopping in the mall online, or they can pay in e-commerce companies such as JD.COM and Taobao. When the amount is large, they can choose to pay by stages in three, six, twelve or twenty-four installments, and repay the interest and principal every month.