VISA, MASTER, Dinner Club and Express are mainly four international credit card institutions. The first three are not banks, they are financial institutions, and Express is owned by an American bank, so AECard represents Express.
CitiBank has become Dinner Club’s agent in Hong Kong, China, so the only bank that issues DinnerClubCard in Hong Kong, China, is CitiBank.
Other financial institutions choose VISA and MASTER. In fact, not only banks, but also institutions with financial strength can issue cards with VISA or MASTER on their own (for example: Yangtze River, AIG).
In fact, these four companies only deal with international credit settlement, and they only follow the customers (i.e. banks) to collect merchants (i.e. restaurants, shops, insurance companies, banks... .....) That is, they have two customers, the financial institution that issued the card and all institutions (including financial institutions) on the other side. That is, after receiving the money, they will return it to the financial institution and charge the customer (both sides) handling fees.
So when you use a certain VISA card and the payee says there is something wrong with your card, you should understand that the card is damaged and the card center cannot get the code. If the card is damaged, just use it. Second, if you can't get the code, you have to use the third agency (MASTER, Express or Dinner).
As for the bank’s role is to check your credit status and grant limit (since bad debts are paid by each financial institution, the above four companies are not responsible), that is why you apply for each When you apply for a credit card, you will be asked whether you have other credit cards and the credit limit and repayment status. The bank will use all the information to check and approve the Credit Limit given to you by the bank (but many people did not give you this information in the past, so you can have Dozens of cards exceed a person's actual repayment ability), but now there are "personal credit rating agencies" that can reduce the bank's risk. So you are paying with which bank it is.
The rest is why you can use the credit cards of some local companies when you are abroad. That is the global popularity and credibility of these four companies, which allows those local financial institutions to enter the world stage. (Including mainland China). And in the media advertisements, only VISA and MASTER are sold (the other two have an agent, so most of the advertisements are done by that bank).
I hope you understand.
Uncle Simon, for reference: Although there are reference materials for my knowledge, it is too detailed and separated from too many sources, so I write it in my own words. If there is anything wrong, please e-mail me and wait for me. It can also be improved, thank you,
No matter which institution or bank you apply for a credit card, you are only paying to the relevant institution or bank, not directly to the credit card organization (such as VISA, MasterCard, etc.).
Picture reference: boc/images/upload/creditCard/Homepage_cells/Olympic_card1.
In fact, BOC Credit Card is not just called "Visa Card", it should be called "BOC VISA Credit Card" , such as the newly launched "BOC VISA Olympic Edition Credit Card".
In addition to MasterCard or VISA, some institutions or banks also launch other credit cards.
In addition to MasterCard and VISA, Hong Kong currently also issues JCB cards, American Express cards, Diners Club letters of credit, China UnionPay cards, etc.
The following are the card issuers and banks in Hong Kong, China for major credit cards.
****************************************** Card) card issuers and banks:
Abnamro Bank
AEON Credit Finance (Asia) Co., Ltd. aeon
American International Credit Card (Hong Kong, China) Co., Ltd. aigcard
Bank of East Asia Limited bea
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) icbcasia
Bank of China Credit Card (International) Limited boci
Citi Bank (Hong Kong, China) Limited citibank
Dah Sing Bank dahsing
DBS Bank (Hong Kong, China) Limited dbs
Hang Seng Bank hangseng
HSBC h *** c
Chong Hing Bank chbank
Feng Ming Bank mevas
Huicheng Finance Co., Ltd. xpressfinance
Shanghai Commercial Bank shabank
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong, China)/Manhattan standardchartered
Wing Hang Bank whb
Wing Lung Bank winglungbank
Picture reference: visa-asia/apzh_HK/images/visa_logo.
VISA card issuers and banks:
AEON Credit Finance (Asia) Co., Ltd. aeon
American International Credit Card (Hong Kong, China) Co., Ltd. aigcard
Asia Commercial Bank asia-mercial
Bank of America (Asia) bankofamerica
Bank of East Asia Limited bea
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) icbcasia
Bank of China Credit Card (International) Limited boci
Bank of Communications bankm
Citibank (Hong Kong, China) Limited citizenbank
Dah Sing Bank dahsing
DBS Bank (Hong Kong, China) Ltd.dbs
hangseng bank hangseng
HSBC h***c
Chong Hing Bank chbank
Fengming Bank mevas
Shanghai Commercial Bank shabank
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong, China)/Manhattan standardchartered
UOB uobgroup
Wing Hang Bank whb
Wing Lung Bank winglungbank
Picture reference:
JCB card issuers and banks:
AEON Credit Finance (Asia) Limited aeon
Hang Seng Bank hangseng
HSBC h *** c
Wing Hang Bank whb
Picture reference: americanexpress/images/homepage/img_amexbluebox.
American Express (American Express Card) card issuers and banks:
American Express International Co., Ltd. americanexpress/
AEON Credit Finance (Asia) Co., Ltd. aeon
DBS Bank (China) Hong Kong) Limited dbs
Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong, China) standardchartered
Picture reference: citibank/global_images/diners_home/chinese/logo_c.
Diners Letter of Credit Card issuers and banks:
Citibank (Hong Kong, China) Limited citibank
, Reference: My Experience / MasterCard / VISA, MasterCard International (NYSE: MA) is A limited liability company listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the United States consisting of more than 25,000 financial institution members. MasterCard International
issues MasterCard? credit cards and Maestro? debit
cards through its members.
VISA is a credit card brand operated and managed by the Visa International Service Association (Visa International Service Association) located in San Francisco, California, USA. Visa International is a non-stock, non-profit international bank card organization composed of more than 21,000 financial institution members around the world. Visa card began to be issued in 1976. Its predecessor was BankAmericard issued by Bank of America.
Since Master/VISA will not directly issue cards to consumers, it will only issue cards through members (banks/financial institutions) and collect income from card consumption/loans (cash advance) from its members. A certain percentage of brand usage fees (commissions). To put it simply, the way Master/VISA makes money is like a "franchise". Members use Master/VISA's brand to make money, and Master/VISA makes money by drawing commissions from its members.
Since your debt is lent by Bank of China, it has nothing to do with MasterCard/VISA. The VISA issued by Bank of China will of course repay the money to Bank of China.
Hong Kong, China except MasterCard
Picture reference: h *** c/1/PA_1_1_39/content/hongkongpws/cards/images/visa-gold.
There is also JCB (Japanese financial card, accepted throughout Japan, issued/agent by HSBC and AEON),
Picture reference: h *** c/1/PA_1_1_39/content/hongkongpws/cards/images/jcb -gold.
Picture reference: aeon/wps/wcm/resources/image/468f8440cd5fa98c/cardface.jusco-jcb
China UnionPay (RMB card, accepted throughout China),
p>Picture reference: h *** c/1/PA_1_1_39/content/hongkongpws/cards/images/rmb-card.
Picture reference: citibank/global_images/chinese/cardlogo/rmb_card.
Diners Club Card (issued/agent by Citibank),
Picture reference: citibank/global_images/APFA/HKGCB/diners/images/img_card.#NULL
American Express Card (issued by American Express Bank)
Picture reference: americanexpressen/personal/images/card_green.
American Express Credit Card ( Issued by American Express Bank)
Picture reference: americanexpressen/personal/images/card_amex_credit.
2007-01-31 06:30:22 Supplement:
American Express is divided into Credit Card (credit card) and Charge Card. The former has a Credit Limit and a minimum monthly payment amount, while the latter has no consumption limit, but the balance must be paid off every month.
2007-01-31 06:41:12 Supplement:
Hang Seng and Wing Hang Bank also issue JCB cards. In Hong Kong, China, JCB can make purchases and settle accounts in Hong Kong dollars. You always deal with the bank to which you made your application. Visa or Mastercard are brandnames whereby they supply a uniform service through the different financial institutions. In fact, you can even have more than one visa card with the same bank, or with different banks, if you are approved.
Examples of other cards are American Express, Diner's Club, and probably many others.,