The telephone number of Harbin Bank Credit Card Center is 95537 or 4-69-5537
Please note that 95537 can only be dialed at the location of Harbin Bank branch, and other areas need to dial 4695537.
The customer service telephone number of Harbin Bank's credit card is as follows
Harbin Bank's customer service hotline: 4-69-5537.
customer service hotline: 95537
Global function of Harbin Bank credit card: 1. Credit card swiping: no need to deposit in advance, and you can spend it immediately after opening the card. With the logo of the credit card organization or company (including but not limited to UnionPay, MasterCard and VISA) on the card face, the cardholder can spend money in the special units with the acceptance logo at home and abroad and other special units designated by the Bank. Holding UnionPay cards can be exempted from currency conversion fees in consumption abroad. 2. Cash advance: provide cardholders with petty cash loan service. With the logo of the credit card organization or company (including but not limited to UnionPay, MasterCard and VISA) on the card face, the cardholder can withdraw cash at the domestic and foreign credit card organization or company, the cash withdrawal outlets designated by the Bank or the ATM with its acceptance logo.