If you guessed correctly, it should be the credit limit utilization rate of your credit card. Credit card credit limit, commonly known as overdraft limit, reflects the card issuer's affirmation of the cardholder's credit status. This limit will fluctuate based on the cardholder's credit history. Suppose a cardholder opens a credit card when he first works. After a few years, the bank may increase his credit limit just because the cardholder's income increases (the employer issues an income certificate). In the personal credit reporting system, credit card credit limit is a kind of positive information. Credit card credit limit utilization rate is the ratio of the credit limit used to the maximum credit limit within a certain period. Suppose a cardholder obtains a credit limit of 10,000 yuan and has an average monthly overdraft of 5,000 yuan in a certain year, then the utilization rate of his credit card credit limit in that year is 50%. Since card issuers need to make reserves for credit card credit lines, a lower utilization rate of credit card credit lines will increase the card issuer's capital costs. For users with a low usage rate of their credit card credit limit, the card issuer is likely to reduce their credit limit until the usage of the card reaches a certain level. From the perspective of personal credit reporting, for the same maximum credit limit, cardholders with a higher credit limit utilization rate will have better credit records; for the same credit card credit limit usage rate, cardholders with a higher maximum credit limit will have better credit records. Cardholders have better credit history. Therefore, it is recommended to focus on using a small number of credit cards. It not only helps cardholders obtain good credit records, but also helps banks control costs.
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