Generally speaking, according to the regulations, the credit card must be used by the person himself. If someone else uses it fraudulently, it will be reported to the police or refused! !
But because credit cards in the United States do not require a password, generally only a signature (electronic) is required, so in most places, no one will verify your credit card holder's ID! !
However, there will definitely be different merchants who will ask for verification, so you will be in trouble! !
So in this case, it is almost a matter of luck! !
It is recommended that you go to the same bank where your father’s credit card is used and ask your father to apply for an additional card for you. It will be easily approved. In this way, you will be swiping your own card. At the same time, The bill is from your father's card! !
Based on my experience, it is recommended that you use supplementary cards! !