1. Generally, after discovering that your card has been stolen, you should call the bank customer service as soon as possible to freeze the card. At the same time, report to the public security organ. If your card has been stolen from another place, you can immediately go to a nearby ATM machine or bank with a camera to withdraw money to confirm that the bank card is in your hand.
2. For credit cards, information protection is very important. On the one hand, it is personal information, and on the other hand, it is card information. Do not share card information such as card number, expiration date, security code, etc. with others. Especially the security code on the back of the card can be appropriately blocked during daily use.
3. In addition, the SMS notification service is activated, which can ensure that the cardholder will be notified of the information as soon as possible when the account is used. Once fraud occurs, you can report the loss of your card as soon as possible. The function of reporting a lost card is that some cards come with a lost card protection service. Within a certain period of time before reporting the loss, those who can prove that the transaction was not done by the person can be exempted from repayment.