With the rapid increase in the number of people who apply for credit cards, more and more people want to know about credit card loans. How can I borrow empty credit cards? This is a question that many people are concerned about, but they are not sure. Let's introduce it in detail for everyone. is it okay to use a credit card for a loan? Empty credit cards can be used for loans. For example, an empty credit card installment loan refers to applying for an installment loan for shopping when the credit card limit is running out. You can choose the equal installment repayment method of 6 months or 12 months, and the bank interest is free, and it does not occupy the original credit card consumption limit. (The cardholder has no record of overdue repayment in recent 3 months).
How to borrow an empty credit card loan? An empty credit card loan is handled in the same way as a regular credit card loan. You can apply directly online or go to the counter.