Nowadays, bank credit cards are in a state of saturation. The credit card industry has become very difficult. This is no longer the era when credit cards were competing for land a few years ago. As for 110 cards a month, it is definitely a lie. You know, three years ago, you could earn five or six thousand yuan a month by making a credit card. In recent years, banks’ risk control has become more and more stringent, and the country is still vigorously adjusting the credit industry. Now, making a credit card is just to stand guard for others. , recharge, no future
Can you endure the sun exposure, wind and rain every day?
Can you clean the building every day? (That is, go to each office building and ask others if they want to apply for a credit card)
Can you set up a table in the downtown area every day? (If someone handles it, just do it. If no one handles it, you have to take the initiative to sell it.)
Can you still sort out the client's information every night when you go home (cut copies of ID cards, print social security, and organize work information) )
You may receive customers urging you to apply for a credit card every day, but why haven’t you been approved yet?
Don’t think that working in the financial system is a very popular and lucrative job
Based on the above, I think this is a job with no future. My personal opinion is for reference only. .
I am embarrassed to say that I used to be a credit card salesman
I hope the above answers can help you