The credit card cannot be used when it is frozen. Cardholders cannot use the credit card for consumption. Of course, if it is repayment, it can still be done through mobile banking, online banking, third-party payment platforms and bank counters. . The frozen status of a credit card has a relatively large impact on cardholders. So will freezing a credit card affect an individual's credit report? Let's find out together.
Will credit card freeze affect personal credit report?
Whether credit card freeze will affect personal credit report is related to the reasons for credit card freeze, the details are as follows:
1. If the credit card is frozen due to overdue repayment for a long time, this situation will affect the personal credit report. After all, late repayments will be recorded on the personal credit report, which will affect future applications for credit products. Moreover, credit card overdue records on your credit report will be retained for at least five years even if the debt is paid off later.
2 If the credit card is frozen due to account anomalies, such as credit card theft, account intrusion, etc., in order to avoid financial losses, the bank will freeze the credit card. In this case, it will not affect your personal credit report. Go to the bank branch counter to lift the freeze.
3 If you cash out your credit card, you will be put on the credit blacklist, and the consequences are quite serious.
In short, as long as the user uses the credit card normally, it will not have a negative impact on the personal credit report. Only illegal use may have an impact on the credit report. For credit card unfreezing, in addition to applying for unfreezing through the bank branch counter, you can also contact the bank by phone to apply for unfreezing.