1. It affects the bank’s trust in you. Failure to apply for a credit card will not stain your personal credit report, but it will actually reduce your integrity in the bank. If you apply multiple times, If the card cannot be opened, the bank will determine that you have maliciously applied for the card. Every time you apply for a credit card, the bank will check your credit information in the credit information system. This operation record will be retained in the credit information system. If the bank finds that other banks check your credit information records too frequently, it may think that you have High risk, resulting in card rejection.
2. The additional fees will still be collected. What will happen if the credit card application is not opened? Many high-end credit cards have a mandatory annual fee. For example, China Merchants Bank's most popular ELLE credit card - Jing Boran Edition. With this credit card, regardless of whether you open the card or not, as long as you successfully apply for the card, you will be charged a 100 yuan fee. When applying for a credit card, remember to understand the charging standards of the credit card, and do not blindly believe the deceptive remarks of some salesmen, "You can apply for a credit card without opening a card, and there will be no annual fee." You should consult the bank staff for details.
3. The credit card is activated by others. What will happen if the credit card application is not activated? It is very likely that the card will be stolen by someone with evil intentions. It's possible that your credit card has been maxed out without you even realizing it. You won't find out until the bank calls you for payment, and it may already be too late. It is very important to protect your personal privacy. It is recommended that you don’t apply for a credit card if you don’t need it. What happens if I don’t apply for a credit card but don’t get it opened? The above points cannot be ignored.