Many card friends like to use China Merchants Bank credit card for online shopping, but only if the online payment function is enabled. Online payment of China Merchants Bank credit card will involve various issues, such as the payment limit, what to do if the payment fails, etc. Let's analyze it for everyone. question 1. what should I do if China merchants bank fails to pay online by credit card? Answer: There are many reasons for the failure of online payment of China Merchants Bank's credit card, including failure to open the online payment function, insufficient available quota, wrong information input, exceeding the payment limit, etc., as follows: 1. Failure to open the online payment function: this is an important prerequisite for online payment. 2. Insufficient available credit line: If the available credit line of your CMB credit card is only 5, yuan, but the price of the goods you buy online is 5,1 yuan, then the payment will naturally fail. In this case, you can apply to the bank for a temporary withdrawal to obtain more credit lines. 3. Input error information: This information includes credit card number, payment password, verification code, etc. Once any one of them is wrong, the payment will fail. 4. Exceeding the payment limit: Many cardholders set a payment limit for their credit cards in official website, China Merchants Bank. If the transaction fails due to exceeding the payment limit, you can re-modify the payment limit when logging in to official website.
question 2. what is the online payment limit of China merchants bank's credit card? Answer: If you have a China Merchants Bank credit card, you can set a limit for online payment in China. After successful setting, all credit cards in your name will enjoy an online payment limit, and the limit will not be restored due to repayment. If the limit is insufficient, please re-set it in online banking. If you choose professional payment, fast payment and online payment of overseas websites when you buy online, you will not be restricted by the "online payment limit". The setting method is as follows: payment limit setting: log in to credit card online banking and click "online payment" → "online payment limit setting". You can also set up your mobile phone: download and log in to mobile banking, and enter "online payment" → "online payment quota setting".