If you apply for a credit card online, after the card is successfully approved, you must go to a business outlet to sign for confirmation, otherwise it will not be used normally. The following are different application methods and different credit card activation methods.
1. Credit cards applied online must be opened in the business hall (that is, face-to-face).
1. The credit card interview is mainly for the applicant to apply for a credit card online. According to the requirements of the regulatory authorities, the credit card application must be submitted and signed by the cardholder himself. When the applicant applies for a credit card online, the card is issued. The bank obtains the customer's application information through the Internet, so it cannot determine whether the person submitting the application information is the applicant himself.
So in order to meet regulatory needs, after the applicant applies online, the card-issuing bank will send a text message to the applicant to inform him that he has passed the preliminary review, and he needs to bring his ID card and credit card to the card-issuing bank within the specified time. Conduct interviews at the outlets.
2. Bring your identity document, credit card, and other information required by the bank to the bank branch where you applied (or the branch designated by the bank).
2. For credit cards that are not applied online, you do not need to go to the business office to open them.
1. Usually you only need to call the customer service number of the bank's credit card center to activate your credit card. It should be noted that the call must be made using the contact number or mobile phone filled in when applying.
2. There is the customer service phone number of the bank’s credit card center on the back of the credit card.