1, increase the frequency of credit card use. For cardholders, the frequency of using credit cards is very high. No matter the amount, as long as they can swipe their cards, they will definitely swipe their cards. You really need to swipe your card more, because the multi-card system will think that credit cards are a necessity.
2. Increase the use of credit cards. For cardholders, it is best to spend at least 30% of the total monthly bill. That was not the case. With more credit cards, banks will indeed make more money. However, if the consumption amount does not match the income, it will be considered risky by the bank.
3. Maintain the continuous consumption of credit cards. For the cardholder, the bill for credit card consumption needs to last for three consecutive months, which means that there must be consumption every month. This does have a great effect on cash withdrawal at the beginning of the card.
4. Grasp the opportunity of quantity increase. For cardholders, the time of withdrawal is also very important. It is most effective to apply on the accounting day or when the card has just been maxed out. However, it is understood that when the card is about to be maxed out, the system will prompt you to automatically increase the temporary quota, and the effect is not particularly great.
5. Use the debit card to associate the credit card installment transaction. For the cardholder, if the money is deposited in the bank, the bank will be relieved, killing two birds with one stone, and all the savings and loans will be settled; In addition, multi-use installment trading.
The above is the introduction of Shengjing Bank's method to increase the credit card limit.