1. Can I pay off my credit card immediately after using it? It is possible. A credit card is a credit limit that is provided to you. As long as you repay it on time within the term, you can spend and repay it freely within the limit. Credit card "pay as you go" is the most economical and best way to control consumption when funds are not available and repayment cannot be made in time.
2. What are the consequences of using credit cards while swiping?
1. Easy risk control. Frequent operations like this make it easier to reduce the credit limit. Because you repeatedly swipe the card, the system will think that you have no money to pay back the credit card, and you are suspected of "repaying the card". It will think that you have funds and cannot pay back the credit card. risk, risk control may be carried out at this time to directly reduce your limit.
2. Small black room. For some banks with relatively high points value, they will directly put you into a black room and basically not give you any credit limit increase. However, there are certain benefits to maxing out your credit card. When your credit card limit is 10,000 yuan, if you repay it before the billing date after maxing it out, and continue to repay it after maxing out your credit card, the bank will think it is the limit given to you. It’s not high, and there is a high probability that the bank will increase your credit limit. Generally speaking, there are advantages and disadvantages. If you really want to try it, you can try it for a month to see if the bank will take the initiative to increase your credit limit. Most people will not consume and repay at the same time. Doing so can easily leave a bad impression on the bank. There will be opportunities to increase the limit, and there will also be risks of reducing the limit. It is recommended that you adopt a relatively mild method of increasing the limit.