If 1 ten thousand is spent, the first repayment should be 1 ten thousand. If the minimum amount is 10%, it is 1 0,000 yuan. When you repay 1 0,000 yuan, the daily interest is calculated as1000 x 0.05% = 5 yuan, so when did you spend it? When was the repayment made?
When repaying again, the repayment should be 9000+ accumulated interest. Is the so-called minimum monthly repayment amount 1000 or 900+, 800+ according to the actual repayment on the bill, etc.
Interest is calculated by the day, so I don't know the date of consumption and repayment. How can I know how many days of interest there are? I'm not sure how many days there will be interest, but what about the interest after that? Because interest also has interest (that is, compound interest). Compound interest is calculated from the bookkeeping date. When is the billing date? Without specific data, there is no specific answer. The minimum monthly repayment amount depends on the current bill, and the size is determined by the bank and cannot be calculated.