If you use a credit card to pay in installments when purchasing on Taobao and then decide to return the item, you should first contact the seller to apply for a return. Then, according to the seller's return policy and the platform's regulations, you may be required to provide relevant supporting documents for the purchased goods, such as purchase vouchers, product pictures, etc. The seller will review your return application and inform you of the next step. Generally, if the return application is approved by the seller, you need to return the goods to the address provided by the seller. After the return is successful, you can contact the credit card issuer and apply to them for the corresponding refund operation.
It should be noted that the specific return process may be slightly different depending on the policies of the seller and the platform. Therefore, before returning goods, you can first check the return policy of Taobao or the seller, or directly communicate with the seller to inquire about returns. In addition, refunds for credit card installment payments may take some time to arrive. You can ask your credit card issuer for the processing time limit. If you encounter return disputes or other problems, you can seek help from Taobao customer service.