Legal analysis: 1. An individual’s credit rating in the bank will be improved. If you always repay your credit card on time and maintain a good credit record, this will be very helpful for bank loans.
2. Save yourself the trouble of bringing cash. Users can consume first and repay later without having to carry cash when going out.
3. Hold the card to enjoy discounts. Many merchants have cooperated with banks, and there will be some preferential policies for card payments.
4. Online consumption is faster. Online payment also supports credit card payment, which greatly facilitates daily consumption and shopping.
5. No regional usage restrictions. Credit cards can be used across the country, and some can even be used directly in foreign countries.
Legal basis: Article 676 of the "People's Republic of China and Civil Code" If the borrower fails to return the loan within the agreed time limit, he shall pay overdue interest in accordance with the agreement or relevant national regulations.