As long as your credit card is overdue, you have nothing to worry about as usual every month. Negotiate with the bank: If you have problems with your personal financial ability and cannot repay the full amount, you can negotiate for repayment and ask the bank to extend the repayment period. Or lower the interest rate, but don’t avoid the bank’s collection. Regarding the question "Is it true that door-to-door investigation and evidence collection for overdue credit cards is true?" The editor has compiled the following knowledge.
1. Is it true that overdue credit cards come to you for investigation and evidence collection? It may be true. Although it is relatively rare for many banks and institutions to come to your door now, it does not mean that they will not visit you. It is still possible to go to the place of residence of the debtor to learn about the situation, including visits accompanied by the village committee. But at the same time, there are regulations for door-to-door evidence collection, for example, collection cannot be carried out through violent means. However, generally overdue credit cards will rarely come to your door to collect evidence. Generally, after the credit card is overdue, the bank will call to collect or upload it to the credit reference center. If the cardholder remains indifferent or refuses to repay, the bank will sue the cardholder. After the court judgment, the cardholder needs to perform repayment in accordance with the judgment.
2. What to do if your credit card is overdue? 1. Use the minimum repayment function. Every bank has a minimum repayment function. As long as the minimum repayment is paid, the bank will not charge late fees and will not affect your personal credit. However, interest will be charged for repaying the minimum, which is 0.5% interest per day. Therefore, as long as you repay the minimum, although the pressure will be reduced, compound interest will occur, which will be relatively troublesome, and it can only be used as a temporary delay. 2. Use the minimum repayment function. If you are under pressure to repay, you can directly apply for bill installments. Generally, banks provide 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 installments. You can choose the number of installments according to your repayment ability, so that you can Ease repayment pressure without affecting your credit. 3. Change the billing date to extend the repayment period. The billing time cannot be changed casually. Generally speaking, it can only be changed once every six months. Some banks can change it once a year, and some banks can only change it once. 4. Take the initiative to explain the situation to the bank and negotiate. If you really cannot repay for a period of time due to special circumstances such as work, you can take the initiative to call the bank and explain the reason. Prove that you are not malicious in refusing to repay, but there is indeed a reason. Discuss whether you can delay the repayment. Do not ignore the bank by changing your phone number. , this personal credit is gone, unless you will never deal with the bank again. The intensive collection efforts of most online loan platforms will be concentrated within half a year. If it is more than half a year, it is a difficult target. The borrower's credit is damaged and he cannot enjoy basic credit services. When he encounters urgent need for cash flow in the future, he will not be able to obtain credit products with good personal credit. For specific solutions, please click the consultation button below to communicate one-on-one with a lawyer to obtain the "solution".