When applying for a credit card, you need to submit proof materials such as your ID card before you can apply for a credit card. Banks pay more attention to the applicant's repayment ability, so the more important application materials are work certificates and income certificates, which prove that they have a fixed job and a stable source of income, can repay the credit card arrears in time, and will not cause economic losses to the bank, so as to apply for a credit card.
According to the bank regulations, 18 to 70 years old, with full capacity for civil conduct, can apply for a credit card.
To apply for a credit card, you need to meet the following conditions:
(1) Required documents
1, ID card
Domestic residents: a copy of the applicant's identity certificate or military officer's card.
Overseas residents: (A and B must be provided at the same time) A. Hong Kong and Macao residents should provide copies of their return certificates, Taiwan Province residents should provide copies of their passports, and other foreigners should provide copies of their passports. B. Copy of domestic residence certificate or temporary residence permit
2, work and income documents
A. Work certificate: copy of work permit or work identity certificate or original work certificate stamped with the official seal of the unit.
B proof of income: the last three months' payroll record issued by the bank (copy of the payroll card statement) or the copy of the personal income tax withholding certificate or the original proof of income issued by the unit.
(2) Other supporting documents (please provide as much as possible, which will help to increase the credit limit).
Education, professional title, professional qualification certificate, self-owned real estate license, self-owned car driving license, copy of bank time deposit certificate, telephone number of current residence in the last three months, original water, electricity and gas bills, other bank credit card documents (original statements of the last three periods), etc.
Credit card processing flow:
1, fill in the application form;
2, to the bank's own information, and a copy;
3. The bank sends it to the credit card center;
4. The credit card center conducts audit, business card printing and card issuance;
5. After getting the card, open the card and wait for the password letter.